Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mark's take on the Band

MembersInstrument/Object of Choice
ChrisGuitar, Occasional Knock-Style Guitar-Based Percussion, & Mandatory Backing Vocals
JoshVocals & Assorted Vocal Chord Excrements & Anything Else He Can Get His Hands On including the xylophone, harmonica, and chimes.
Guitars, Digitally Emulated Analog Effects (cheap fucker...) & Optional Backing Vocals
Percussions, Drums, & Optional Backing Vocals.

Global, Intra-Band Influences

Music (Although we could elaborate on this, this whole point form shit is starting to get kinda anal (in the Freudian sense, of course...) right now.
Substances (Our own special, personalized way of stating the obvious!)
Existence (Seriously... At this very given moment, you are where you are at this very given moment reading this very given text right now because we decided it was a good idea (at the time, that is...)!)

What the band thinks of the band

The band thinks that the 'band' (referred to herein as MJV) should think that the readers of this blog and/or followers of its' affiliated website(s) should logon to and listen to what we've got so far ('cause, you know... we try!)!
Share on MySpace

Here's the deal

I joined Mister Jackson's Van before I even joined the band per se.  By that, I mean I was drunkenly and randomly acquainted with Josh and Chris at a university-integrated bar.  By that, I mean "dere is a bar in da skool we studied at and have been buddies since."
Writing a band bio in a first-person perspective is a little difficult considering how they're usually written from a third-person perspective. Our thoughts on the band are: As long as you have a van, you can go wherever you can; but some things were not meant to go hand in hand. The previous sentence had little actual meaning; it was just a bad rhyme of the most trivial sort acting as filler for the 'band bio' so that it takes up enough space on this website to look all pretty and nice.  If you think our modest little slice of cyberspace looks nice now; just wait until we get that little 'Paypal' button all up in this bitch! Just kidding. Buy some merch when we have some and we'll forget this little miscommunication.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Beads of Awareness Show Prevents Existential Crisis

MJV’s last show (Friday night at Burrito Ville) turned out to be a good success as far as the members are concerned. With the thrill encoded styling of Derwin & Mary heading up the show, it was hardly a task subduing the crowd. Good reviews from all around. You had to be there to jive I guess.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mister Jackson’s Van – Mission Statement

Mister Jackson’s Van (hereafter called MJV) was founded in the summer of 2007 by Chris and Pat Perrin. The focus of the band was to write songs about life in North Eastern North America as a (half-hearted) reprisal for the rise of surf and surfer music and a focus on West Coast style and lifestyle. The intent was to play a relaxed, catchy, and simplistic folk-rock that centered on skiing, hiking, and other pursuits that reflected the North Eastern context of the band, or, to be phrased, Eastern Mountain Music.

The Mission of MJV is thus rather simple and straight forward: to express (through lyrical content and song styles) an interest in the lifestyle of the North East as well as life in general, taking on the folk ethos of promoting an awareness of the world as it is today. Furthermore, MJV hopes to remain a low-impact group that pays attention to the environment and promotes sustainable living and responsible actions. Although this might not be a focus of lyrical or musical promotion (meaning that there is no absolute need) MJV is settled on being responsible members of the musical world.

MJV is not a political band and will, in keeping with the above mentioned Mission, remain non-partisan as best it can with regards to overt and specific political commentary and aggression. Although aggression is a fact of the world (and thus applicable to the MJV Mission) there is enough aggression in the world without MJV promoting or being a party to it.

Outdoor life, fun, seasons, and human experience in a light-hearted vibe are the primary focus, fixation, and objective of MJV and Eastern Mountain Music.

If you want to change it, leave and form your own.

Chris Perrin
18 August 2010