Sunday, May 15, 2011

Crane Records Show on the 29th

We've been booked for an acoustic session of sorts by the good people at Crane Records. Mister Jackson's Van will be playing a short set with a vibe-y soft-pedal jam that is sure to get people groovin'. We are looking forward to this opportunity to play for a new audience and hope sincerely that you will attend.

Where: CRANE RECORDS, 2250-304 rue Pitt (near St. Henri Metro)
When: SUNDAY MAY 29th, from 12:00 to 18:00
Cover: Possible (around 5$)

Under Post-Construction

Keep in mind fellow pirates,

This blog has already received a new coat of paint since it's departure from the crumbling heights of Wordpress to the brighter shores of Blogspot, but now we're going to continue this magnificent process by double plating the exterior hull with Facebook apps. This will allow our crew a steadier footing for ship to ship boarding. Our site, 'old glory' we call her, may experience more changes in the days to come but it's faithful crew is confident that these changes are for the better, and will lead us to new and exciting horizons.

Clear seas ahead mateys!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New recordings coming soon!

Howdy Space Cadets!

Last night MJV recorded off the floor five songs that'll blow your leg warmers right off. We've done the preliminary recordings of the instruments, and we punched in the vocals. Tonight we're headed back to 1180 to FINISH the JOB. Meaning, we're going to punch in the few lead parts that were omitted yesterday due to time constraints and also we're going to be punching in the backup vocals. Maybe, with time permitting, we'll be able to start mastering the stuff even. But I'm not holding my breath or anything. What I can say with certainty however is that the days of the Myspace tracks - those slimy, nasty, and vile recordings from the distant past - are numbered! You hear that shitty tracks?? Finito, Finitos you get me? Pack your bags and kiss your mother`s arse goodbye! And don`t let the door knob bean you in the face on the way out ... Mister Jackson`s Van PRE-PRE MASTERED is coming to stay and it`s going to need your old bedroom. So get a job and cut that hair you hippy bastard!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Something to consider

Good evening,

I think tonight's drunkenness may have led to some rather sobering realizations... MJV has learned that a full time bass guitar might go a long way to filling out the sound; Go full on Led Zep, or keep it old school like the Doors would. Keep your ear to the blog for further details. Over.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gigs in May

Okay so we have two very possible shows lined up for late May. One is at everyone's favorite watering hole Mad Hatters where the drinks are cheap and the stairs are winding. Next we're hoping to play for a Crane Records CD release party (not ours ... yet), another sweet local outfit which may prove to be a bountiful seedbed of contacts and resources. You can check them out here just in case you were wondering. We were at some point so go ahead and take a peek (it won't hurt - promise). Hopefully we'll hash out a few dates in the next couple of weeks and the next post will be an invitation. I'm stoked already!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Moving on up!

MySpace Community Has Good Taste (Apparently)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recording in May

MJV will be recording a short Demo/EP some time next week. This is cool for us as it will be the first decent recordings we have with the entire band. We'll update, as well as update the music we have on this site. Should be interesting.